Afrisnet, a place for aspiring graduate students, current graduate students, professionals, academics to connect


Founded by two Rwandans: Gabriel Muhire Gihana, a PhD student at Indiana University and Vincent Mwumvaneza, a Professional Civil Engineer in the United States, Afrisnet is a platform dedicated to advancing scholarship in Africa by promoting development, access and application of research. Afrisnet provides help to aspiring students to apply for graduate schools and fellowships.

For many students in universities, it is a dream to pursue higher education abroad. While there exist many avenues to connect; access to information and resourceful channels are still a challenge. Social media has taken over people to people networking in a sense that it has overshadowed other necessary avenues to connect and build meaningful interaction. Hence for many the biggest problems are: where to start? Who to ask? What opportunities are available? Etc. Afrisnet brings together, people who are enthusiastic about research and STEM in general.

As the foundational sector, Education is going to continue to drive economic development of countries. As a matter of fact a couple years ago Standard Gateway, the operating organization of the website took a decision to laser focus on Education and Technology, Afrisnet will be an important partner in driving both Education and Technology forward.

African countries still play a minimal role in almost all modern technologies beside consumption and supplying raw materials which is in most cases a fraction of total product cost. In playing such a role, Africa loses out on many fronts: jobs creation, prosperity and generally social, economic development and wellness of its people. When one looks in all sectors: Mobility, Transport, Construction, Information and Technology, even agriculture! Etc. It is a challenge to point out what gets, made and produced on the continent. This is at the same time a challenge and a big opportunity for the current generation.

It is evident, STEM is going to be a big factor whether African slacks or not. Afrisnet seeks to help bridging the gap in increasing the contribution of Africans in total global research output. When one looks deeper. Reversing Africa countries’ role from consumers to producers (makers and manufacturers not manufacturing shops), in at least some sectors will hardly change without a high caliber of STEM academics and professionals exposed to modern research, product development and commercialization of STEM products and services, exposed in advanced universities, institutes and companies.

Some of the community services options that students and members can receive free of charge upon signing up to the Afrisnet platform include: Graduate Application Document Proofreading, Mock Interview Administration, Standard Test Financial Assistance, Networking and Correspondence, Blogging and News Outlet. In addition, Afrisnet plans to provide information on Graduate Schools in different continents.

All of the services above can be accessible at Afrisnet’s website and it only takes visiting the website and signing up to start access resources and connect with fellow students, academics and professionals.


posted on: Wednesday September 05, 2018 by Ruta Muhoza